Tuesday, May 3, 2011


i love him so much.....but he still don't trust me...he ask me to prove n show him that i love him....BUT HOW???.....oh gosh i'm totally fell like a shit.......how i'm gonna to prove it.......it's isn't enough for what i did.....haish sometime i fell i'm not a good girlfriend to him......h keep saying that him a bad person...but to me he just a innocent boy.....yeah i know he just a naive....coz just kep think negative.....BUT i promise to myself that i will love,care and never leave him until my last breath....... maybe he not trust me coz for what he has being through.....just like me i'm not really trust a man coz i have being through just like him.....you know megat mohd syabil....you are the first guy that even can make me change....from the PLAYGIRL to the faithful person......yeah...in the past my dreams is to SEARCH AND DESTROY THE MAN AND MAKE THEM SUFFER but not you darling......you always make my heart melt with your heart.....................................

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