Wednesday, December 7, 2011


There are songs that make you sad when you hear them. But it aren't the songs that make you sad, it are the people behind the memories.and I never let you go, because in the back of my mind, I still believe that someday we'll get our second chance.seriously I miss you a little, but I guess you could say, a little too much, a little too often, and a little more each day...and awk tau aapa yg sy rasa skarang~ for god sake im really  hate you...but and then I love's like I want to throw you off a cliff....then rush to the bottom to catch you...x kira sebenci mana pun sy kat sy still syg awk...x kira sedalam mana awk luka kan hati sy...s tetap syg kan awk.........Oh, I shouldn’t care or wonder where and how you are. But I can’t hide this hurt inside my broken heart. I’m fighting back emotions that I’ve never fought before, ‘cause I’m not supposed to love you anymore.but i cant do that...becoz im totally in love with you~~Even if my heart should call out your name in the rain. Even if these arms should want to embrace you again. And even if I’m all cried out and no longer in pain... I’ll never fall in love that way again...becoz you have make me fall like this way~

1 comment:

  1. sila baca:
